Urban play connects people and place with design and cities, making them vibrant and liveable, reflecting their creative, linguistic, cultural, social and urban diversity. The Future Play Lab works across speculative design, creative placemaking and urban play to explore new ways of being in the world.
Urban Play Design is a workshop on the how, why and where of urban play. Streets have always been meeting spaces for people—and a way of finding new uses for things. Join us in the infinite playground for an urban play jam imagining ways we could collaborate and play in the city. Speculate on possible worlds, connect people and place, and reimagine the world post-pandemic.
In this four-hour workshop you will work with speculative play designer Dr Troy Innocent from the RMIT Future Play Lab to learn new skills in play design and analog games. The workshop begins with a 90-minute introduction followed by hands-on make and play, and does not require any prior skills or knowledge.
Benefits include an adaptable and fluid approach that can strengthen the analytical and synthesis components of problem solving, of critical need as we face increasingly intricate and globally interconnected cultural, economic, technological, and social networks.
55 Cable Street
Te Aro
Wellington 6011
New Zealand