P3. Data Sovereignty & GLAM Digital Futures | Reni Broughton, Sala & Moira Apiti-Civcic
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 22, 2023, 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM

This workshop begins by imagining future state: What awaits us at the intersection of indigenous/māori data sovereignty and GLAM digital futures? As we journey backwards from future to present state, we will play in imagining the possibilities of what could be, disrupt unhelpful narratives and realities, and identify strategic pathways to create intentional and innovative change.
Location Name
Rangimarie 2
Full Address
Te Papa Tongarewa
55 Cable Street
Te Aro
Wellington 6011
New Zealand
55 Cable Street
Te Aro
Wellington 6011
New Zealand
Session Type