P4. Diving Deeper into Digital Preservation with BitCurator | Martin Gengenbach, Blanche Joslin & Nicola Caldwell - NLNZ
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 22, 2023, 1:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Nicola Caldwell - National Library of New Zealand
Martin Gengenbach - National Library of New Zealand
Blanche Joslin - National Library of New Zealand
Martin Gengenbach - National Library of New Zealand
Blanche Joslin - National Library of New Zealand

Diving Deeper into Digital Preservation with BitCurator will provide workshop participants with an introduction and overview of the BitCurator digital forensics platform. Through hands-on exercises, along with lecture and group discussion, workshop participants will develop an understanding of how this free and open-source set of tools can support bit-level preservation of born-digital content on removable media, in alignment with cultural heritage best practices.
Location Name
Oceania Inner
Full Address
Te Papa Tongarewa
55 Cable Street
Te Aro
Wellington 6011
New Zealand
55 Cable Street
Te Aro
Wellington 6011
New Zealand
Session Type