Breakout 3 - Transformational Change
Date & Time
Thursday, September 28, 2023, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Lissy Cole Rudi Robinson-Cole

Crochet across cultures - Spreading love, joy, and peace through ‘Te Wharenui  Harikoa’
Lissy and Rudi, renowned crochet artists and creators of ‘Te Wharenui Harikoa’, believe that the act of crocheting connects cultures worldwide. This workshop will  immerse participants in the transformative power of crochet, spreading messages of love, joy, and peace. Through their work, Lissy and Rudi serve as ambassadors of creativity and unity, using crochet to bridge cultures and foster a sense of global connection.

Location Name
Full Address
Plymouth International Hotel
220 Courtenay Street
New Plymouth Central
New Plymouth 4312
New Zealand
Session Type
Breakout Session