During the conference you can visit Kauae Raro Research Collective who are producing a collaborative art piece He Kapunga Oneone.
You’re encouraged to participate by bringing a handful of earth from your land. This contribution of soil, clay or stone will be processed into a paint and used to create a work that will be gifted to Taranaki/ Te Atiawa iwi.
Check out the video on KauaeRaro.com about what kinds of earth can easily be made into a workable paint.
Kauae Raro Research Collective are a group of wāhine Māori dedicated to customary Māori paint making technologies. Founded in 2019 by Lanae Cable, Jordan Davey-Emms and Sarah Hudson, the collective promote the use of whenua as an art material, a component of ceremony, for personal adornment and as rongoā.