Full Name
Siobhan Waterhouse
Job Title
Freelance Publicist
Siobhan Waterhouse Communications Ltd
Speaker Bio
Siobhan is a senior communications consultant with over two decades of experience in PR, marketing, corporate and internal communications, events, digital and social media, issues management, and crisis communications.

For the last 16 years she has worked in Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia as a freelance publicist for arts, entertainment and events clients and projects.

Siobhan currently manages publicity for the Royal New Zealand Ballet, World of WearableArt, Te Ahurei Toi o Tāmaki - Auckland Arts Festival, Whānau Mārama - New Zealand International Film Festival, WORD Christchurch, Creative Waikato, and Strut & Fret NZ (Bread & Circus World Buskers Festival). She is also on the Tauranga Musical Theatre committee.

Previously, Siobhan has worked with Sydney Opera House, Belvoir, Sydney Dance Company, Sydney Theatre Company, Te Tairāwhiti Arts Festival, Show Me Shorts Film Festival, Auckland Writers Festival, Kia Mau, the Michael Hill International Violin Competition, and managed Auckland Theatre Company’s publicity from 2013 to 2020.

Siobhan lead the PR team for the opening of Auckland’s $36m ASB Waterfront and the 2023 re-opening of Rotorua’s iconic Sir Howard Morrison Centre, and at times consults to Australian companies IP Publicity, Rocket Comms and Lateral Events.
Siobhan Waterhouse