Full Name
Louise Ihimaera
Job Title
Rangahau Māori I Research Workforce Development Advisor
Poutiri Trust
Speaker Bio
Louise having worked for over 30 years in diverse roles and hauora services, she shows passion for high quality and equitable older persons services for Māori, transformative mental health and addictions services for Māori, innovative workforce programmes, solutions-focused initiatives to tautoko Māori older persons/ koeke/ kaumātua to achieve optimum wellbeing in their maturing years. Louise is currently enrolled in a PhD Philosophy at the Research Centre for Hauora, Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand. She remains actively involved advising on Workforce Development programmes that are "locally led, nationally navigated" and in supporting the set-up of a doctoral study hub in Te Moana ā Toi (Bay of Plenty).
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