Call for Contributions for NDF2023 conference: NDF23 Whanake \ Evolve
20 - 22 November 2023, Te Papa, Pōneke Wellington

Are you a cultural innovator, change-maker, or thought leader?

Do you have insights, experiments, best practices, or a new vision to share with a diverse audience of cultural professionals, technologists, educators, and creatives?

We want to hear from you!

We’re excited to invite your ideas for the 2023 NDF Conference - NDF23 Whanake \ Evolve. We encourage ideas from all perspectives, disciplines, and sectors. This year’s topics of interest include:

Te Urutanga me Te Manawaroa \ Adaptation and Resilience

  • Responding to global challenges with agility
  • Sustainable practices for resilient cultural organisations
  • Cultivating a diverse and future-fit GLAM workforce
  • Cultural revitalisation, data sovereignty and ethic

Te Auahatanga me Te Minenga \ Innovation and Audience

  • Leveraging digital technology for engagement
  • Innovative experience design and interpretation
  • Audience engagement strategies for sustainable growth
  • Innovative approaches to infrastructure and data

Te Pānga me Te Awenga \ Impact and Influence

  • Cultivating diversity, equity, and inclusion for greater social impact
  • Fostering sustainability and climate action for a better world
  • Collaboration and partnerships for collective impact

Te Tūhononga me Te Hapori \ Connection and Community

  • Building bridges through meaningful community engagement
  • Kaupapa Māori digital cultural-heritage priorities
  • Treaty-based collaboration

We welcome diverse perspectives and fresh ideas! If you have an idea that doesn't fit into any of these topics, but you believe it would be valuable for the conference, please submit it. 

We invite suggestions for various formats, including keynote presentations, wānanga, panel discussions, interactive workshops, lightning talks, and more. We’re particularly interested in innovative formats that encourage participation, dialogue, collaboration, and knowledge exchange.

To submit your idea please click here. The deadline for submissions is extended to Friday June 9th 2023. Accepted presenters will be notified by email in July 2023. For more information about conference click here to visit our website. 

Join us at NDF23 Whanake \ Evolve and be a part of the conversation on embracing change for a better cultural ecosystem.